Valkyrie Crusade Wiki
Name ID Timezone Comment
Kagura*status* aul97 utc -4 top 500 ranker for almost every event. Active faw killer that will defeat them throughout the whole event. Ty.
Pazu 2cdbp UTC+1:00 Ranking, Always Full BP, send when i'm Online.
Avattz 91r3r GMT-8 Ranking this event, every little bit helps, thanks!
mampatrick beqs8 GMT-2 will kill anything if I'm online and have BP left, I'm not trying hard to rank so you can send whatever you want and it doesn't need to be full HP.
[DL]☆Fang☆ b8gub GMT+8 You can count on me to overkill FAWs. Will kill AWs if I have sufficient BP on hand :) will change status to "EH" in the latter half of event.
sleepy 82k2y GMT-7 available to kill FAWs whenever login is within 1 hour, slower otherwise.
Sana★DL☆(Status) agr0e GMT-7 Congrats on finding this page! Dedicated FAW Killer, and aiming for max points during this event. Will be very active on the first half of the event on responding to sends. Status will note either "On or Off".
Mizuki♪FAWK byylx GMT +7 im very active n can kill any FAWs/AWs (mostly FAWs),will temporarily change status to OFF when i cant kill
C0ra asuoj GMT +2 I'll kill anything (preferably FAW's) whenever I'm online^^
月★神魔幻@FAWK 4hsu6 UTC+8 Add me i help u to kill AW,FAWs where ever i can to kill AW,FAWs to help u for ranking or rewards that u cannot fight. I will try my best to help u :)
Yuuma ahgqi GMT-7 AWK, FAWK, and FAWS. I am not aiming for ranks and try to help users who has struggle killing their AWs. Do send AW as much you want when I am online (I'm on mostly at night), but I will ignore your request if my BP is 0
FuryStatus  7r1mj GMT-4 Ranking, prefer FAWs, but will kill AWs if I have extra BP. (ON periodically around 3-4 times of the day)
CrovaxxFAWK bmhx2 GMT-3 Killing any FAW, except when BP is 0.
ΩDeath★FAWK 2g8jh GMT -3 1BP ★FAWK 300 and 500 - Are you having trouble killing your FAW(300-500) If you need my help killing your FAW I'm Recruiting Active Senders - If I see them in my *Fight Section* I will help you.
Ai br2oh GMT +8

Will kill any AW or FAW you send my way. Very active and OL almost all day. Send 'em, guys don't be shy.
